3 weeks | 3 sprints | 80+ features |
300+ stories | 13 contributors

When we decided to launch a brand new website in 3 weeks, it seemed next to impossible… and oh boy! Did we pull it off? 🙂
Key considerations that went in were to reduce costs involved in administration overheads, fasten time to market of content and feature changes. We made every effort to decrease the total cost of ownership through a highly scalable agile architecture. We clearly defined the MVP (minimum viable product) and carved out a plan for enhancements prioritized based on business value realization. The product backlog was prioritized, stories delegated, sprints defined, daily scrums, and few weeks later, here we are! And yes, celebrations were inevitable! Hats-off to the team and it was time for a ‘goofy head gear party’. Meet the website project team and the rest of us here…
The devilish product owner (Marketing champ – caught on camera though he shies away from public appearances):
Here are the two scrum masters who also have a part-time job of running the company:
The active contributors to the website here comprising of (try to identify..) the geeky architect in a frilly improvised cap, the wannabe red-Indian feathered architect, the cat girls – business development manager and web developer, the folk singer administration manager, his highness business analyst, lady Santa delivery manager and the nerdy school-boy senior consultant. A smart and diverse bunch that makes us proud every day!
What started as a cake cutting, progressed to goofy games… Check out some of the moments captured on candid camera!
And it all ended in few rounds of rather bizarre loud and fast stampede (still guessing the reason) across the floor 🙂 literally, a launch with a BANG!
Wait a minute! When everyone is competing for the goofiest title, how could our office security personnel be far behind? ‘Hats-off’ to these two 🙂
Co-founder of People10, a 'total agile' software development and consulting company.