People10 Technologies, Inc.

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February 15, 2023
People10, an 'award-winning' global software development partner specializing in enterprise digitalization and product engineering for customers worldwide, is now Great Place to Work®-Certified in...
August 19, 2020

Things have definitely been better in the world of business. With the economy on the rocks, increased costs of doing business at in-person locations,...

September 20, 2019

Do you measure the performance of your business? How would you know that you have achieved the goals you had set out? You certainly...

Transformations that inspire Discover the impact we've made in our success stories

We developed a GenAI-based code review platform for a leading logistics client, cutting unit...

People10’s E2E testing framework transformed the software quality assurance process for a leading airline....

Partnering with a major bank, People10 executed extensive security testing on their mobile banking...

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